Learn more about St. Stephen’s
- Visit our Worship page for more about our different services
- Interested in serving others? Visit our Grow & Serve page for ways you can get involved.
- Do you have children? Visit our Opportunities for Children page for information about our ministries geared toward little ones.
- Visit the Our Pastors & Staff page to learn about our pastors and staff.
- Contact us at the church office (703-978-8724) for more information.
- Want to hear some of our pastors’ sermons on the go? Check out our podcast on Apple or Spotify!
Our mission at St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church is to
make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world …
We hope you find our website helpful as you seek information about
our church community. Below are some helpful links to get you started:
We hold two services every Sunday, a contemporary service
at 9 a.m. and a traditional service at 11 a.m. We also stream
our services live on YouTube and Facebook, and post them
to our podcast. To learn more, visit our Worship page.
To contribute to St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church
and the ministries we support, please visit our Giving page.

Frequently Asked Questions:
When are St. Stephen's Services?
St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church has two different worship services each Sunday morning.
- 9:00 am: Contemporary Worship Service
- 11:00 am: Traditional Worship Service
- 9:00 am & 11:00 am: Livestream service on YouTube.
At every service, friendly people at our main entrance will greet you and help you find your way. We suggest that you plan to arrive 5 – 10 minutes early to allow for parking and finding your way around.
What is the process for scheduling gatherings/events at St. Stephen's?
To schedule a gathering/event at St. Stephen’s, you will need to complete a Room Reservation Form. Once you have completed the form it will automatically be sent to the church office for review and approval.
What are the requirements when attending an in-person gathering?
If the Community Covid-19 rate for our area is “low” or “medium”, masks and social distancing is not required. If that rate is “high” then masks and social distancing is required.
- If you develop 2 or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19 you should not attend the gathering:
- Fever
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills
- Persistent cough
- Flu-like symptoms
- Diarrhea or intestinal upset
- Fatigue
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Recent loss of taste or smell.
- If you develop 2 or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19 you should not attend the gathering:
Should you have any questions, please call the church office at (703) 978-8724.
Is St. Stephen's Accessible?
St. Stephen’s is accessible throughout the building, and many differently-abled people worship with and serve this church. At the front door there are several van-accessible parking spaces and an ADA-compliant curb ramp. The sanctuary has a mildly-sloped floor (about 8°) and wide aisles. Wheelchairs are usually parked on the outside edge of any of the aisles. Assistive hearing devices are available, just ask an usher as you enter. In some services, volunteer ASL translators may be available – please ask, but some advance notice is usually needed. Large-print hymnals are available from the ushers for traditional services, and during contemporary services easy-to-read projection screens display the words to sing and spoken responses. Adults and children with developmental disabilities and their caregivers are present at many worship services. Regardless of the abilities of you or your family, you’ll find a warm welcome from the St. Stephen’s community.
Where do I park?
Plenty of parking is available on our site, and special visitor parking spots are available at the main entrance. If you enter the parking lot from the Bradfield Dr. side, proceed to the stop sign and turn right into the main parking area. On Sundays at the main entrance, you will be greeted by friendly people who can help you find what you need.
How do I become a member of St. Stephen’s?
Please let either of our pastors know you are interested in, either by phone, email, or through our connect card.
How should I dress?
You are invited to wear what is comfortable for you. In the Contemporary Worship service (9:00 am) you will find most attending in casual dress and the Traditional Worship service (11 am), you will find a mixture of casual and formal dress. The important thing is to dress comfortably whatever service your choose!
Can my children attend services with me?
Children are welcome to receive communion or a blessing from the pastor, at the discretion of their parents or guardians. Our nursery cares for babies from one week to three years old during all services in room C46.
Who are the pastors and how can I meet them?
Our Senior Pastor is the Rev. Spencer Broce (‘Pastor Spencer’). Our Associate Pastor is Rev. Minoo Kim (‘Pastor Minoo’). The pastors rotate preaching and worship leadership responsibilities across two worship services, and lead various Bible studies and other activities across the church community. If you leave your name and phone number on the registration pad, one of the pastors will contact you as soon as possible. You are invited and welcome to call the church office to meet with the pastor for conversation or help.
When is Holy Communion served and who can participate?
Holy Communion is celebrated at our morning services on the first Sunday of each month. All who genuinely want to follow Christ are invited to participate.