“A new commandment I give to you:
Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another.” John 13:34 (NIV)
The St. Stephen’s Shepherd’s ministry cares for members of the congregation. This ministry’s mission is to receive, reflect and relay the love of Christ among the people in the St. Stephen’s community. To accomplish this mission, Shepherd’s Ministry welcomes volunteers of all ages who serve on Care Teams and carry out acts of kindness that help the members of the congregation feel connected and support and encourage each other. Care Teams often join with other St. Stephen’s Ministries for special acts of kindness, such as:
– with Children’s Ministry, creating greeting cards and mailing them to members of the congregation;
– with Youth Ministry, sending care packages to college students;
– with Worship Committee, serving communion to people who are not able to attend worship services in person;
– with Service for Others, United Women of Faith, providing nourishing comfort foods to individuals and families needing some extra “TLC;”
– with Prayer Shawl ministry, providing comfort to persons who are experiencing especially difficult illness or loss.
Coordinators for Shepherd’s Ministry Care Teams are Lauri Snider and Carolyn Brewer. They can be contacted at shepherdcareteam@ststephensfairfax.org.
The dedicated Shepherd’s Ministry volunteers are organized into five geographic Care Teams — Annandale, Burke, Fairfax, Springfield, and Greater Areas — and a Special Projects Team. If you would like to request support from a Care Team, contact the church office, use a Connect Card, or reach out to Care Team member at these email addresses:
- Annandale Care Team: annandalecareteam@ststephensfairfax.org
- Burke Care Team: burkecareteam@ststephensfairfax.org
- Fairfax Care Team: fairfaxcareteam@ststephensfairfax.org
- Springfield Care Team: springfieldcareteam@ststephensfairfax.org
- Greater Areas Care Team, Special Care Team Projects and Shepherd’s Ministry Coordinators: shepherdcareteam@ststephensfairfax.org
Examples of challenging times or important life events when you might want to contact your Care Team include, but are not limited to: A hospital stay or serious medical treatment; death of a family member, or birth of a child; other important life experiences when you are not able to come to church. At these times the Care Team members can visit, call, email or text to offer words of encouragement and help you connect with St Stephen’s vibrant caring ministries.
In 2024, St. Stephen’s Shepherd’s Ministry celebrates 35 years of caring for the congregation. Today, Shepherd’s Ministry Care Teams are in close communication with the St Stephen’s pastors and are familiar with the church’s many ministries. Care Team members would like to communicate with you, learn what would be helpful to you, and help you connect with the pastors or other ministries that the church offers for support.
Anyone, of any age, who would like to ask for Care Team support or who is interested in volunteering with the St. Stephen’s Shepherd’s Ministry should call the church office at 703-978-8724, contact Lauri Snider or Carolyn Brewer (shepherdcareteam@ststephensfairfax.org), or visit our Connect Page and fill out our online contact form.
In 2024, St. Stephen’s Shepherd’s Ministry celebrates
35 years of caring for the congregation.